Spring 2005

Mathematics 118r Dynamical Systems Spring 2005

Course Head: Oliver knill
Office: SciCtr 434
Email: knill@math.harvard.edu
News Info Plan Time Assign Project Exam Show Script Lab Faq Lib Link



Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa   week no and events              
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30 31  1  2  3  4  5   1  2. february start of lectures
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20 21 22 23 24 25 26   4  21. february presidents day
27 28  1  2  3  4  5   5  march
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20 21 22 23 24 25 26   8
27 28 29 30 31  1  2      april        spring break
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 1  2  3  4  5  6  7   13 may          end of classes  
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 8  9 10 11 12 13 14      reading period
15 16 17 18 19 20 21      19. start of exam period
22 23 24 25 26 27 28

tentative syllabus: 

1. Week     Introduction: 
            Wed: Overview and organization of the course.  
                 What is a dynamical system?
            Fri: Examples of dynamical systems      
2. Week     Feigenbaum: maps in one dimensions
            Mon: Maps on the interval
                 Periodic points and their stability. 
            Wed: Bifurcation of periodic points
                 Invariant measures 
            Fri: The dynamical zeta function
                 The Lyapunov exponent
3. Week     Henon: maps in two dimensions
            Mon: Examples. 
                 Periodic points and their nature
            Wed: Stable manifold theorem and homoclinic points
                 Construction of stable manifolds
            Fri: Lyapunov exponents and random matrices
                 Definitions of chaos
4. Week     Hilbert:  ODEs in two dimensions
            Wed: Differential equations in the plane and torus
                 Limit cycles
            Fri: Hopf bifurcation
                 Hilbert's problem on limit cycles
5. Week     Lorenz: ODEs in higher dimensions
            Mon: Differential equations in 3D
                 Lorenz, Forced oscillators etc.
            Wed: The attractor in the Lorenz system 
                 Lyapunov functions
            Fri: Strange attractors
                 The notion of a fractal.
6. Week     Birkhoff: billiards 
            Mon: Billiards and the variational setup
                 Existence of periodic points
            Wed: An example of a chaotic billiard
            Fri: Polygonal billiards
7. Week      Hedlund: cellular automata
            Mon: Curtis-Hedlund-Lyndon theorem
            Wed: Topological entropy
                 Special solutions 
            Fri  Attractors
                 Higher dimensional automata
8. Week     Mandelbrot: maps in the complex plane
            Mon: Mandelbrot and Julia sets
                 Some topological notions
            Wed: Connectivity of Mandelbrot set
            Fri: Iterations of quaternions 
                 Complex Henon map
9. Week     Bernoulli: subshifts of finite type
            Mon: Bernoulli shift
            Wed: Subshifts of finite type
            Fri: Entropy
                 Normal numbers and randomness
10. Week    Weyl: dynamical systems in number theory
            Mon: Unique and strict ergodicity
            Wed: Continued fractions
            Fri: Diophantine problems           
11. Week    Poincare: many body problems
            Mon: The equations of the n-body problem
            Wed: Integrals and the solution of the 2 body problem
                 The Sitnikov problem
            Fri: The role of singularities
12. Week    Einstein: geodesic flows
            Mon: Geodesic flows on the torus
            Wed: Integrability and examples
            Fri: Wave fronts and Huygens principle
13. Week    Review. 
            Mon: Review
            Wed: Open problems in dynamical systems
            Fri: Overview of projects
  Math118r, Dynamical systems, Spring 2005, Oliver Knill, knill@math.harvard.edu. Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Art and Sciences, Harvard University, Background music credit: "Barocco", by "Rondo Veneziano" under the lead of Gian Piero Reverberi.