Spring 2005

Mathematics 118r Dynamical Systems Spring 2005

Course Head: Oliver knill
Office: SciCtr 434
Email: knill@math.harvard.edu
News Info Plan Time Assign Project Exam Show Script Lab Faq Lib Link


We will have a short multiple choice quiz each monday at the start of the lecture. The 10 best scores of these quizes will be part of the grade.

A larger final quiz can boost the total quiz score by 130 percent which will define 30 percent of the course grade.

Quiz score computation:
    S    quiz score of the 10 best quizes normalized to 100
    F    final quiz score normalized to 100
    Q    your quiz score (30 percent of grade)
    Q    = min (100, max ( S, S*F*1.3/100 ) )
The final project is due Saturday Mai 21'th.
  Math118r, Dynamical systems, Spring 2005, Oliver Knill, knill@math.harvard.edu. Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Art and Sciences, Harvard University, Background music credit: "Barocco", by "Rondo Veneziano" under the lead of Gian Piero Reverberi.